Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier 4

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Soldier 4

Apostle Paul is at typical example of a true soldier of Christ. He didn’t just do what God expected of him but he also raised other men to do likewise. There are three things a soldier must pay attention to and the things are: fight the good fight, finish the assignment, and keep the faith (2 Timothy 4:7)

Every true soldier must endure hardness in order to fulfill the three things listed above. The prerequisite of enduring hardness are unbendable focus and robust spirituality (1 Corinthians 9:23-27). The hardness requirement is different for different people, you might need hardness against lust of the flesh and another person needs hardness against anger. Whichever, ask the lord for help and you will receive grace to endure hardness.

Prayer line: O lord, I need help! Grant me grace to endure hardness in Jesus name. Amen

Weekly Messages: Enforcing My Unimaginable Progress Via Divine Guidance

Weekly Messages: Enforcing My Unimaginable Progress Via Divine Guidance

Nobody succeeds without guidance no matter how beautiful the person’s vision is. Vision is ‘what to do’ and divine guidance is ‘how to do it’. Vision will be frustrated without divine guidance. There is graduation from the school of divine guidance. No matter how you’ve reached in the actualization of your vision, you need divine guidance. In fact, the higher you climb, the more you need it.

How to access divine guidance

  1. Salvation: you must be born again to receive divine guidance. God only speaks to His own (John 10:16)
  2. Fear of God: you can only access God’s direction if you fear God (Psalms 25:14)
  3. Meekness: God resists the proud. He will only direct the person who is meek (Psalms 25:9)

Instruments of divine guidance

  1. The written word: the easiest access to divine guidance is God’s word. For everything you desire to do in life (marriage, financial prosperity, etc.), there are already laid down guidelines in God’s word. If you neglect God’s word then you have neglected progress.

Examples of divine guidance from God’s word:

Health – Romans 8:11, Isaiah 53:5, 3 John 1:2

Giving – Proverbs 11:24

Spiritual fatherhood – Hebrews 7:7

Business – Proverbs 22:29

Purity – Psalms 119:9, Romans 6:14

  1. Through the voice of the Spirit: God speaks to us. It is not His will that we fall into error. Note that God does not speak through dreams except you have neglected His voice so much. Be sensitive enough to know when God is speaking to you and be faithful enough to obey promptly (Isaiah 42:18)

Note that God can also speak to you through your spiritual father and once you heed to his advice you will make progress (Isaiah 30:20-21)

 Prayer line: O lord, give me eyes that see and ears that hear in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Tearful Breakthrough

Weekly Messages: Tearful Breakthrough

1 Corinthians 2:9

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

What God wishes to do for his children is miles away from what we are currently experiencing. When the Israelites came before the red sea with the Egyptian army pursuing them behind, they thought they would all die but God intervened (Exodus 14:11-16). Everybody needs a breakthrough.

Breakthrough is the act of God that does not require your permission. It is the sudden act of God in response to the cries of His children. Breakthrough means moving from slavery to kingship as can be seen in Esther, Joseph, Daniel and Mary.

You need to break through because there are persistent oppositions to your glorious destiny and God’s provision for your advancement. You need to breakthrough so that you can expand the kingdom of Christ. God gave Hannah a son and Hannah gave God a major prophet in return. If God blesses you with money, you will create systems that will advance the gospel of Christ and frustrate Islam – this is why you need breakthrough.

You access tearful breakthrough when you are addicted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and you are willing to take crazy and deadly steps of faith. God will only bless you if you love Him and you are willing to advance His kingdom.

Prayer line: O Lord today, I declare my love for you and my willingness to advance your kingdom. I receive access to my tearful breakthrough in Jesus name. Amen!

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Spiritual Soldier 3

Weekly Messages: Becoming A True Spiritual Soldier 3

Have you heard? The destiny of the church of Nigeria is at stake because of the consistent wars of the Islam. The Islam has put up a system to promote Islam and frustrate the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is now mandatory Islamic-studies for the primary and junior secondary schools in Nigeria. Let me ask you: are you willing to be a fifth wife? Are you going to allow your children bow down to Allah? Will you watch the next NUC chairman be a Muslim? Are you going to sleep and watch your daughters become sex slaves to the uncircumcised Muslims? The loan Nigeria is going to receive under Kuruntu from Saudi Arabia will give a candidate from Saudi Arabia-a Muslim the right to contest for leadership positions in our local communities. God is in need of true soldiers, who will become more addicted to the Gospel of Jesus, rise up and defend the kingdom of God in Nigeria. Will you be one? You have to.

Salvation is recruitment into the army of the Lord. The responsibility of salvation is to work for God and to speak out for God. You are not a Muslim because God has chosen you to be a soldier. It does not have respect for gender, once you have given your life to Christ; you are conscripted into God’s army. Salvation is not an escape route to get married or have academic excellence or ride cars or other material possessions. But salvation is a divine conscription to become a true soldier of Christ. The most stupid thing an army can do is not to prepare for war. Get ready, we are in warfare!

Major characteristics of becoming a true soldier

  1. It is filled with terrible demands.
  2. It is an inconvenient profession.
  3. It is never a self-seeking pleasurable career.
  4. It is a lifestyle free from entanglement.

Responsibilities of a true soldier

  1. Hardness- enduring responsibility (not hard-life)
  2. Entanglement-free responsibility
  3. He is committed to please his commander
  4. He is engaged in perpetual warfare

Note: Don’t be joking while sitting on a time-bomb, time is coming where you will not find a church to attend and that is why you must rise up now and stand for Christ. The two major fights that we must fight now are the fight against lust (James 4:1) and fight against elemental forces which in our case – is Islam.

Study scriptures: Romans 8:29, 2 Timothy 2:1-4, 1 Peter 2:9, Revelation 13:4-7, Jude 1:3, Jeremiah 6:10-16, Isaiah 42:18-19.

Prayer line: O Lord, I pledge allegiance to Christ. I vow to die for the gospel and defend your kingdom. I receive grace today in Jesus name. Amen!