The laws of success are those rules that spells out how success can be achieved. Last week, we learnt about the law of mental work and hard work. Truly, until you sit down, think and take actions, you will get nowhere (Proverbs 22:29). The Laws include:


  1. Law of investing in Knowledge and Insight: Knowledge is being abreast with all the information you need. Investing in knowledge means sacrificing money, time and energy on materials for a worthwhile purpose. You can only advance in life if you invest in knowledge (Proverbs 4:7, 2Peter1:5)


What do I do in order to invest in knowledge?

  1. Fear God: you should gear God because He desires you to prosper (Proverbs1:7, Deuteronomy 8:18, 3 John1:2)
  2. Meditate on God’s word: if you must succeed, then meditate on God’s word (Joshua 1:8)
  3. Have a heart that is willing to learn and search: if you don’t have this heart, you will not go far. (Proverbs 18:15)
  4. Accept discipline: discipline is not sweet but you must accept it if you must succeed (Proverbs 12:1)


  1. Law of Life Coaching: Life is the period between your birth and death. A Life coach is simply having someone that will teach you to organize your life. If you live carelessly in this world without anybody directing your life, you will die before your time (1 John 2:15-17)

If you weren’t taught, you would not have known how to brush your teeth, birth yourself or feed yourself; it is the same with mentorship.

Mentorship is not hero worship but God’s wisdom for speedy accomplishments. It is riding on the shoulders of someone who is ahead of you in order to avoid his mistakes and advance your destiny. You have a lot of good things in your heart but it takes a wise mentor to draw them out (Proverbs 20:5)


Important Quotes:

  • Life is too short to be trekking; living without a mentor is like trekking from Owerri to Maiduguri for a job interview.
  • Struggling and frustration will continue until you subscribe to a mentor.
  • You are still where you are because you are comfortable there.
  • No place is too far to go in the search for knowledge.


Prayer line: Father today, I receive grace to invest in knowledge and submit to mentorship in the name of Jesus, Amen!


Engaging The Laws of Success

Engaging The Laws of Success

Study Scripture: Joshua 1:8

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. (NKJV)

Have you ever wondered why two people of the same social class don’t succeed at the same pace? It is simply because one is obeying the laws of success and the other is not.

What are these laws?

  1. The law of positive and scriptural thinking (Proverbs 4:23): you can never grow beyond the way you think. What is happening in your life today is a direct consequence of the way you think. Your life, family, finances and health are the way they are because of the way you think. The most important change you must make in your life is to change the way you think. It is not the environment that makes people but people make the environment. Success starts first and foremost in the mind. Until you begin to accept problem-solving as a lifestyle you will remain grounded. You don’t need more money rather you need a change in your mentality about money. You don’t need a better husband; what you need is a right mindset towards your husband.

Why do you need to think differently?

  1. You have a life to live
  2. You have a ministry to pursue
  3. You have a family to raise.

How do you change the way you think?

  1. You must embrace problem-solving as a lifestyle (John 2:1-9)
  2. You must be a committed writer and reader.


  1. The law of hardwork (Proverbs 22:29, Proverbs 12:11, 10:4): The first instruction that God gave man is work. Poverty answers to laziness. Your future is not a place you are going to, it is happening everyday. Hardwork will defeat talent if talent does not work hard. Start working hard to meet up with your goals.

Success comes by the combination of mental work, hard work and positive speaking (Ephesians 3:20)

Prayer line: Oh Lord, empower my mind to be productive on every side in Jesus name. Amen!

Becoming a True Spiritual Soldier Part 12

Becoming a True Spiritual Soldier Part 12

A true soldier does not quit even in the midst of harsh conditions. He is totally under the control of his master. Being a child of God is a demand; you do not need to be cajoled. Becoming a true soldier is by volunteer. A true soldier does not break his rank, nor release secrets of the army. He encourages people to be part of the army through soul wining. A true soldier dies for the kingdom. Previously, we learnt that the first training a true soldier must undergo is the training of the Word.

Why the training of the word?

  1. So that you will not become a victim of spiritual carelessness and recklessness
  2. So that you will not become a victim of spiritual kidnappers
  3. So that you will not become a victim of spiritual manipulation (Genesis 3:1, 2 Corinthians 2 : 10-11)
  4. So that you will not become a victim of spiritual deception (2 Corinthians 11:3)

The devil operates in these three forms:

  1. Temptation
  2. Accusation (Revelation 12:10)
  3. Deception

In order to overcome the devil’s oppression in your life and remain effective as a true soldier, you must subscribe to spiritual sensitivity.

Further Scriptures: Jude 1:3, Luke 4:13, Revelation 9:21, Luke 4:8, Philippians 2:12

Prayer line: Oh God, I subdue every deceptive voice of the devil against my life and family in Jesus name. AMEN.

 Spiritual song:

Lord create in me a clean heart

                                            and renew the right spirit within me

                                            sanctify me by the fire of your holiness

                                            and I’ll forever be praising your holy name

Activating Mind Power For Success

Activating Mind Power For Success

The quality of your life on earth as a Christian is dependent on your mental productivity. Mental productivity comes about by effective investment in the mind. Success refers to all-round prosperity according to Joshua1:8. This month, God’s word has come to us saying that our success mentality is working mightily but it is our responsibility to provoke the fulfillment of this word. Mentality refers to your thought-pattern. Your thought-pattern refers to the way you respond to challenges i.e. your first reaction to a problem.

Success mentality is a process. Unlike salvation which is momentous and can happen in a day, mental excellence is a process, it cannot take place in a day. Mental excellence comes about by mental empowerment. Empowered minds take empowered steps. Until your mind is empowered, you will not be relevant in the society. Your mind is empowered by God’s word.

Power is the capacity or ability to achieve desired results. Mind power leads to mental productivity and mental productivity eventually leads to societal relevance!

How do you activate your mind power for success?

  1. Addiction to God’s word (Psalms 119:130): Don’t ever assume that you cannot do anything, based on God’s word in Romans 12:1-2, you can achieve anything you want by activating your mind through God’s word. You overcome the culture of failure around you by renewing your mind with God’s word. Mind empowerment is not a hit and run thing but a process. Also, you can control your circumstances by speaking God’s word (1 Peter 2:24, Philippians 4:19). Always speak God’s word to influence your situation to your favor. You cannot enjoy success mentality until you are a person of the word.
  2. The force of prayer (Daniel 2:16-19): The word of God reshapes your thinking but prayer provokes the power needed to put your mind to work (Proverbs 2:1-6). Prayer stirs up the soluble treasures in your mind and precipitates the virtues of your mind (1 Corinthians 2:16)

Prayer line: O Lord, I provoke all the hidden virtues in my mind to come to lime-light in Jesus name. Amen!