The whole earth is waiting patiently for the manifestation of the sons of God and God has placed in our hands powerful tools, talents, gifting, and wisdom that can make us solution providers and shine as a light in every area of our lives. Daniel made remarkable impacts with the rod of wisdom. The manifestation of the rod of Moses made him a sign and wonder. But to manifest, we have to engage in warfare with certain forces or bushels that tends to prevent our light from shining.


  1. The rod of strange wisdom
  2. The rod of a fighting spirit of faith


  1. The carrier of the wisdom becomes irresistible (Proverbs 2:6)
  2. It makes the carrier a person of undoubtable proofs
  • It gives strength to fight oppositions (Proverbs 24:5)


  1. Mental frustration
  2. Circumstantial environment (1corrinthians 10:5)
  3. Negative Vision (Jeremiah 1:11 )



Father I ask for a release of a strange order of wisdom for influence in every area of our lives (James 1:5)

I come against every opposing force militating against my success (Isaiah 54:17)

Clerics embark on empowering abandoned IDPs in North-West on fishing business-kingdomnewng

Clerics embark on empowering abandoned IDPs in North-West on fishing business-kingdomnewng

Evangelist Buru, in a statement, said the gesture is aimed at creating job opportunities and to seriously reduce over-dependence on humanitarian assistance from donor-organizations, including the Red Cross, NEMA, SEMA and volunteer organisations, state and federal government.

“The essence is to make them to be dependent of themselves like every other businessmen and women across the globe.”


Pastor Buru with a female victim of B/Haram

The Christian cleric, who visited River Kaduna with teams of Muslim and Christian scholars to donate cash to some of the selected women refugees, also met and interacted with other fishermen in the area, and held dialogue with them on the importance of promoting peaceful co-existence, religious tolerance and better understanding among different faith organisations.

He also appealed to all the fishermen to immensely cut down prices of their fresh fish from the River so as to enable the women sell at affordable price to their customers.

“Recession is real; every family man must go back to business, in order to meet up, and that is why we are encouraging the female refugees to re-dedicate their time in learning other skills and businesses, to take care of their families.”

Pastor Buru said there is need to support most of the female refugees with some little capital, in order to encourage them to start a good business that could change their lives for better, and reduce over-dependence on all sorts of humanitarian assistance that is coming from national and international communities.

He noted that most of the female refugees that are currently living in some parts of the northern states were already into selling of fish business at their home state, Borno, adding that supporting them with some little capital would surely boost their morale for engaging in the fish business and other sundry businesses that could enable them cater for their children’s needs, including their education.

Pastor Buru then called on the 19 Northern states’ philanthropists, Northern Governors Forum, Northern Senators, religious bodies, “JNI & CAN,” unions of tertiary institutes’ lecturers.

He also enjoined northerners to form a Foundation capable of supporting the need and demand of North-East IDPs and also in training most of their youth on other various skilled acquisitions.

Responding, Mama Aisha from Gamboring Gala of Borno state, and a beneficiary, thanked Pastor Buru for assisting many refugee women with capital to start fish business. “Indeed, starting selling fish business will help me in providing food and paying house rent for my children, and also supporting them to have quality education like any other child.”

Mama Aisha said, “This is the season of having many fresh fish from river, as the rain has started going, and normally most of us are into selling fish business in our former territory – from Baga to other places – before the sudden attack of Boko Haram 10 years back.”

Additionally, Mama Aisha also said that, “Most of the women that are staying in Kaduna and other parts of the north have become widows as a result of Boko Haram that killed their men,” she said, stressing that there are over 9 children that are now staying with her; and without doing any business, their lives will be in danger as there is no one now that is supporting them with anything to eat.

Mama Aisha called on Nigerians to help IDPs and also introduce various skilled programs so as to help them fight poverty, hunger and unemployment, which are ills disturbing women refugees that are now living in various northern Nigerian states. She added that, “We need more capital to start other businesses so that we can take over fish farming business in Nigeria.”


The Pale Horse Must Not Be Released

The Pale Horse Must Not Be Released

Let me start by declaring that I am not a prophet. Nevertheless, I wish to invite you to kindly consider the issues stated below. I have no doubt that Nigeria would overcome its travails, due to the mercies of God, but I am apprehensive that it should not get worse, before it gets better.

In September 2013, Sister Ngozi called me and shared with me how she heard God say on 4th September, 2013, “the red horse has been released”. She found the “red horse” in Rev. 6: 4. I published this experience coupled with another revelation in August 2014

According to the Revelation account, when the red horse would be released, men would be given power to kill each other on earth as part of God’s judgment. It would be recalled that the period 2013 marked the escalation of worldwide murder, particularly by Islamic insurgents. In 2014, ISIS consolidated its hold on terror when it captured Mosul in Iraq and took mass murder to new heights in this generation. Around this period, countries such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Nigeria, Mali, and Central African Republic were witnessing bloodshed. In Nigeria, Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen were gathering steam. The Red Horse, was marching through the earth.

During the National Conference, his grace, Bishop Bagobiri, the Catholic Bishop of Kafanchan, shared with us a dream of severe famine coming upon Nigeria. According to him, the famine he saw would be so severe even dogs would be looking at people as food. Immediately, I remembered the vision of the “red horse” and I understood that after the red horse, the “black horse” follows. The black horse signifies famine. I published the article in 2014 under the heading: “Brace Yourself: Has the Black Horse Been Released?” (Link above) I warned people in 2014 that famine was coming and the solution would not be in stockpiling food, but in “righteousness”. Today, Nigeria and Venezuela cannot say there is no scarcity of food.

In the past few days, a question has suddenly been sounding within me that says, “What follows the black horse?” It is the “pale horse”. The Bible says in Rev. 6: 8 – And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.God ordained Nigerian Church to harvest souls for the kingdom of God but what is looming on the horizon wants to harvest souls for hell. Death rides the Pale Horse and Hell follows him.
Why? Why is the Nigerian Church witnessing the judgment of the Gentiles?

Please look around you. You would observe that the ground is being prepared for massive destruction of lives. Those whom Satan wants to use do not hide their intention. In fact, they gloat and boast about it. Agents of destruction are deliberately building tension in the nation that will sooner or later erupt into an orgy of violence and destruction. Only heaven can disarm them. Only heaven can speak peace to the land. But, would heaven lift a finger?  If heaven permitted the Red Horse and the Black Horse to march through the land, would heaven intervene to stop the Pale Horse?

Yes, heaven would intervene, if we do what heaven wants. Heaven wants repentance in the Church. Heaven wants righteousness in the land. Heaven wants only the Glory of God in His Church. God will not share His Glory with anyone, but the Nigerian Church is sharing it with Mammon. The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. (Rom. 14: 17) Today, there is no righteousness, peace and joy in the land, because the people of God have turned the kingdom of God into meat and drink.

This is a call to repentance in the Nigerian Church. A lot of prayers and fasting are going on, but very little repentance is manifesting. God wants righteousness proclaimed in the midst of His congregation. He wants His people trained and raised in the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. He does not want to share Sunday sermon with Mammon and prayer vigil with money. He wants unity and brotherly love in His Church not strife and discord. He wants to see humility amongst His shepherds because He has not called any man to be a superstar.

Pro. 16: 7 – “When a man’s way please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Why aren’t our enemies at peace with us? Already, some Christians report dreams and visions of massive slaughter and terror in the land. The answer is repentance.

“Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.

After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.” Hos. 6: 1-2

The President of CAN has declared a solemn assembly of fasting and prayer for 21st and 22nd September, 2016. Let Nigerian Christians utilize it to repent and genuinely turn around to righteousness. Let the cry for repentance reverberates all over the Church.

The Pale Horse is prancing, yearning to be unleashed to march through our land. It must not be let loosed.

Lo, I have told you.

Your brother,



If it Were Possible to Live Forever

As the funeral procession approached the cemetery, the young beautiful wife of the deceased was wailing loudly and crying.
“I will die with him. My life is finished … They will bury me with you today. We are going together … you cannot leave me like this!”

Sympathizers were all in tears as each person lamented and mourned the sudden death of this promising young man who died unexpectedly in a motor accident. He had just gotten married and with a top management position in a bank, he seemed set to have a promising life. So, who could blame his wife if she was so distraught and overwhelmed with grief?
Suddenly, loud sounds of gunshot rent the air. What?! Armed robbers! At a funeral procession? Don’t these armed robbers know when and where to strike? (No, apparently they do not know). The robbers were trying to snatch a car around the area in which the funeral procession was taking place.
Immediately, everyone took off in search of safety. People ran crouching helter-skelter to avoid stray bullets. Some hefty men, with chests like barrel of oil, went straight on the ground, flat; chest first and chin hugging the dirt. The dignified executives in polished black funeral suits forgot comportment and executive mien — they hit the dirt, fast. Since no one knew from which direction the bullets were coming, everyone hugged mother earth.
Did I say everyone? Yes, everyone; including the beautiful bride that seconds ago was offering to die with her deceased husband. When the opportunity came for her wish to be granted, she disappeared, neat.
Long after the armed robbers had gone, she could not be found. After diligent search, they located her behind a tombstone, shivering like a jelly. You see, no one wants to die; including you and I.
The greatest fear that man has is the fear of death. Man will complain that life is hard and it is rough but, offer him death as an option and he will tell you that he will still manage.
If any inventor can produce an elixir of life, kings and nobles will be his ardent customers.
In ancient China, during the Qin dynasty, Qin Shi Huang sent an alchemist, Xu Fu, with 500 young men and 500 young women to the eastern seas to find the elixir of life—they never returned. The ancient Indians also have their myth about Amrita, the drink of immortality. It did not work; they died.
Even in contemporary times, eccentric billionaires have been heard of, sponsoring researches to prolong life forever. The researches are on-going; the billionaire sponsors are dead.
Yet, it is possible to live forever. Eternal life is available and it is free. Why are some people unwilling to receive it? Maybe, the condition man has to meet before receiving eternal life is too high for most people to accept.
What is the condition for eternal life? Simple. Repent. It is as simple as ABC. Stop committing sin, confess your past sins and ask for forgiveness from God through Jesus Christ and you have eternal life. This means, stop telling lies, stealing, cheating, hating other people, lusting, and so on.
You ask, why does it have to be through Jesus Christ only? Why not through the other religions or the traditional religions, …? Because it is Jesus Christ that shed His blood on the cross of Calvary to atone for your sins and died on the cross to save your soul. To confirm that He alone is the giver of eternal life, He arose from the dead and He lives forever. Which of the other founder of other religions rose from the dead? None. A dead person cannot give you life. If they cannot give themselves life, how can they give you life?
You can pray right now and confess to God that you are a sinner and ask for forgiveness of your sins through Jesus Christ. You can easily ask Jesus Christ to come into your life as your Lord and Saviour, right now. It is as simple as that.
Next, you need a Christian fellowship so that you can grow in the faith. This is where we come in.
After you have accepted the free gift of eternal life, you need to study the Bible and learn a lot about God and, of course, the devil. He wants to steal that eternal life from you. You must know how to handle him and his forces of darkness.