Breaking The Limitations of Effective Soul Winning

Breaking The Limitations of Effective Soul Winning

Soul-winning is a command. It is wrong for you not to be committed to soul-winning which is a means of expansion in the kingdom family (Psalms 51:12, John 15:16, Matthew 28:16-20)

Failure to any command attracts punishment whereas obedience attracts benefits so it is with the command of soul winning. Soul winning is God’s heart beat and the source of joy to heaven Luke 15:7

Soul winning is your access to wisdom, prosperity and stardom (proverbs. 11:30, Matthew 6:33, Daniel 12:3.) The sole aim of soul winning is for sinners to receive salvation. So what are these limitations?

  1. Fear of being rejected

Don’t be afraid because it is not you that save but God Acts 4:12. If you lack words during evangelism, then you are not convinced about God’s power. Why not share your testimonies? Or don’t you have?

  1. Lack of boldness 2Timothy 1:7

Not having answers to the questions you will be asked shouldn’t stop you

  1. Satanic stronghold and manipulation over the lives of men you are preaching to
  2. Lack of consistent positive living

If you are not generous or you are falling short of being a light, you’ll find it difficult to preach Matthew 5:14. If people don’t know you as a true Christian they may laugh at you when you want to preach.

Limiting mindsets to soul winning

  • Everybody goes to church so there’s no need
  • Soul winning should not be done in public places
  • Soul winning should only occur when the spirit leads – but God has already commanded so create opportunities to win souls(1 Peter 3:5,Acts 20:19-21)

Solution to limitations of soul winning

  • Come close to people, be interested to help
  • Build relationship with people so that you can influence them with the gospel
  • Bring in Jesus in every discussion. Once they discover that your life is consistent, they’ll come to you with their challenge then you minister to them.
  • Empowerment of the spirit through the freshness of God’s presence in prayer Acts 10:38

Prayer point:

Holy Spirit baptize me afresh!