Benefits Of Soul winning

Soul winning is God’s heartbeat. You are not winning until you win souls. The last message of a man before he dies is very paramount that means before he dies is very paramount that means that Jesus Christ’s words before He died must be heeded. His lasts words commissioned us into soul wining (Mark 16:15). The best way to train up your child is to raise him up to be soul winner, a kingdom addict (Proverbs 22:6). If we refuse to win souls, woe is unto you (1 Corinthians 9:16)

God expects you to reach out to every soul wherever you are in the following ways: pray for the lost, witness to the lost and fund the gospel. You will not prosper until you fund the gospels; the angels are always in a haste to supply for soul winners. It is not enough to understand that this is time to win souls but to maximize it by practically winning souls (1 Chronicles 12:32)

Subscribing to soul wining is entrance into the covenant of divine presence (Matthew 28:18-20). We are empowered to go for soul wining. Soul wining is the purpose of my creation and salvation (Ephesians 2:10, 2 Corinthians 5:17-19). Soul wining is the debt you owe Jesus. You break Jesus’ heart when you fail to win souls. When you are a Soul winner, nobody will break your heart. Soul wining is a ministry and you are ordained into ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12)

Benefits of Soul wining include:

  1. God stands you out as an ambassador of heaven hence you enjoy:
  2. a) Divine immunity against sickness and satanic attacks
  3. b) Divine provisions and supplies
  4. c) Divine intervention in ugly situations
  5. Access to eternal glory

Further Scriptures: Psalms 91:14, John 14:2-3, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Revelations 20:15

Prayer Line: O lord I receive the grace to embark faithfully on soul winning in Jesus name. Amen!

Assignment: Write out the names of seven persons you must win for Jesus and present them as gifts to Jesus on Sunday, 25th December. Keep praying for their salvation until they are won over for Christ