Training of the Spirit

Your spirit is the first point of attack; so when you are spiritually famished, your life is finished.                  (1 Corinthians 10:3). When you are not spiritually well fed, anything can have access to your spirit. Therefore, it takes the armor of God to overcome every form of deception of the devil.

What it takes to be a true soldier (training in the spirit)

  1. The training in the Word of God (Sword of the Spirit) Ephesians 6:11-18

Every ancient person passed successfully because of their training in the Word. The essence of the capacity of God’s word is for the capacity to withstand the enemy’s darts. Learn the secrets of those who have gone ahead.

Ways to train the spirit

  1. Praying always with all prayer.
  2. Supplication in the Spirit.
  3. Persevered watching – this is having a “never give up” watch over your soul. You will become a victim of satanic attack if you don’t watch over your soul. So, pray before you go, check your spirit before you move.
  4. Supplications for the Saints.

Why persevered watching?

  1. To escape the attack of the adversary. Another word for persevered watching is Sobriety of the Spirit.
  2. It grants you access for the preservation of your faith. (1Corinthians 10:11-12, 1 Peter 5:7). Cultivate God-confidence When the eyes of the Lord are on you as a believer, you are preserved. Your confidence should not be built on anything but on Christ. You don’t know the validity of your spirit until appear before temptation.
  3. It delivers us from the spirit of no return Hebrews 6:1

When you backslide, it is difficult to return. Don’t ever try backsliding. You may not come back.

Prayer point: Father, grant me the strength to persevere and not backslide in the name of Jesus, Amen.